

Russia and Italy Win Gold in Team Men’s Epee and Women’s Foil at European Fencing Championships in Serbia

USA Wins Team Men’s Epee and Women’s Sabre at Pan American Zonal Fencing Championships

USA Victorious in Men’s Foil and Women’s Epee at Pan American Zonal Fencing Championships

Korea’s Gu, Hong Kong’s Kong Win Gold in Men’s Sabre and Women’s Epee at Bangkok Asia-Oceania Fencing Championships

Russia Takes Double Team Gold in Sabre and Foil at European Fencing Championships in Serbia

Korea’s Jung, Japan’s Kikuchi Win Gold on Day 2 of Bangkok Asia-Oceania Zonal Fencing Championships

Dershwitz, Kiefer Strike Two Golds for USA on Day 3 of Pan American Zonal Fencing Championships

USA Takes Double Gold on Day 2 of Pan American Zonal Fencing Championships

Hong Kong’s Siu Lun Cheung, Korea’s Jiyeon Kim Earn Gold on Opening Night of Bangkok Asia-Oceania Zonal Fencing Championships

USA’s Wozniak, Argentina’s Lugones Ruggeri Take Gold on Opening Day of Pan American Zonal Fencing Championships

Germany’s Hartung, Estonia’s Lehis Win Gold on Day 3 of European Fencing Championships in Serbia

France’s Borel, Russia’s Deriglazova Claim Gold on Day 2 of European Fencing Championships in Serbia

Double Gold for Russia as European Fencing Championships Open in Serbia

African Zonal Fencing Championships Finish in Tunisia

France’s Brunet, Team Russia Win Gold at Tunisia Women’s Sabre Fencing World Cup

Nepal Fencing Association Hosts Technical Coaching Course

The Olympic Movement reaches out to thousands of global athletes to make their voice heard on the Athlete Charter

Stanislav Pozdnyakov, four-time Olympic Champion, Elected President of Russian Olympic Committee