Poland’s Kaczkowski, Team Korea Win 2023 Warsaw Men’s Sabre World Cup
Greece’s Georgiadou, Team Bulgaria Win 2023 Tashkent Women’s Sabre World Cup
Erika Dienstl (MH) Honoured by Fair Play Committee
Event Info - February 2023
Obituary: David Lutonisamo Mavivana
Hungary’s Siklosi, Brazil’s Moellhausen Win Qatar Epee Grand Prix
Georgia’s Bazadze, Greece’s Georgiadou Win Tunis Sabre Grand Prix
USA’s Massialas, Italy’s Volpi, Team Italy Win Paris Men’s and Women’s Foil World Cup
Donate Your Fencing Gear! Applicants Announced
FIE Hosts Safe Sport Webinars
Hungary’s Siklosi, Italy’s Rizzi, Team France Win Vancouver Men’s and Women’s Epee World Cup
Italy’s Volpi, Team Italy Win Belgrade Women’s Foil World Cup
Italy’s Marini, Team USA Win Tokyo Men’s Foil World Cup
Hungary’s Szilagyi, Italy’s Criscio Win Orleans Sabre Grand Prix