On 29 November 1913, the FIE was founded by the representatives of 9 nations: UK, Belgium, Germany, Italy, France, Hungary, The Netherlands, the Czech Republic and Norway. Throughout 2013, the FIE will celebrate its’ centennial with various activities and re-live the inauguration meeting. In addition to 9 competitions in the 9 founding countries, the focus will be on anniversary events during the World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, and the Junior and Cadet World Championships in Porec, Croatia. A travelling exhibition dedicated to the FIE’s history and fencing is organised as well as a Hall of Fame which is dedicated to those who have made a significant contribution to the development of the sport. In August 2013, the FIE released the three part movie series “En Garde” that showcases the FIE’s and fencing’s rich heritage. The Centennial FIE Congress will take place on Friday 29 November 2013 in Paris.