



Information personnelle

Family Daughter Anastasia, son Maksim

Residence Dnipro, UKR

Occupation Athlete, Coach

Languages Russian, Ukrainian

Higher education Automotive Engineering, Coaching - Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture: Dnipro, UKR

Numéro de licence 29051980003


World Cup44311
Heidenheim (ALLEMAGNE), 2013-02-15Heidenheim (ALLEMAGNE), 2016-01-21Caguas (PORTO RICO), 2008-06-06
Heidenheim (ALLEMAGNE), 2014-02-14Berne (SUISSE), 2017-10-27Berne (SUISSE), 2016-10-28
Buenos Aires (ARGENTINE), 2014-05-23Heidenheim (ALLEMAGNE), 2018-01-25Vancouver (CANADA), 2020-02-07
Vancouver (CANADA), 2018-02-16Paris (FRANCE), 2018-05-11
World Championship--11
Wuxi (CHINE), 2018-07-20
Zone Championships--22
TORUN (POLOGNE), 2016-06-21
Novi Sad (SERBIE), 2018-06-17
Grand Prix2248
Rio de Janeiro (BRESIL), 2016-04-22Berne (SUISSE), 2012-06-02Doha (QATAR), 2006-02-10
Bogota (COLOMBIE), 2017-05-26Berne (SUISSE), 2013-05-11Stockholm (SUEDE), 2010-03-05
Doha (QATAR), 2014-01-16
Doha (QATAR), 2019-01-25

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He began training at age 10 in Dnipro, Ukraine.

Why this sport? He walked past the gym at school and saw that a fencing training session was taking place. He spoke to the coach and started to join in the sessions. "I didn't see myself as a professional athlete. That seemed impossible."

Club / Team Armed Forces: Ukraine

Name of coach Volodymyr Stankevych Sr. [national], UKR; Olga Markina [personal], UKR, from 1999; Sergiy Komarov [personal], UKR

Handedness Right

General Interest

Hobbies Fishing, keeping fish. (noc-ukr.org, 13 Jul 2021)

Memorable sporting achievement Winning gold in team epee at the 2015 World Championships in Moscow, Russian Federation. (SportsDeskOnline, 04 May 2021; xsport.ua, 31 Dec 2019; Athlete, 09 Jun 2019)

Most influential person in career His family. (Athlete, 09 Jun 2019)

Injuries In 2019 he suffered injuries to his Achilles tendon and his knee, and also had a problem with his elbow. (opentv.media, 11 Dec 2019; isport.ua, 23 Apr 2019)

Sporting philosophy / motto "Experience gives you confidence, and results give you strength." (sport-express.ua, 23 Mar 2018)

Awards and honours He and shooter Olena Kostevych were flag bearers for Ukraine at the opening ceremony of the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. (sport.segodnya.ua, 30 Jul 2021; sport-express.ru, 22 Jul 2021)

He was a member of the Ukrainian epee team that was named the 2019 Team of the Year by the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine. (noc-ukr.org, 09 Mar 2020)

In 2017 he received the Order for Merit [third grade] in Ukraine in recognition of his sporting achievements. (president.gov.ua, 09 Sep 2017)

In recognition of winning bronze in team epee at the 2006 World Championships in Turin, Italy, he received the title of Honoured Master of Sport in Ukraine. (xsport.ua, 13 Jun 2020)

Other information COMPETING AT 40
The national coach of Ukraine offered him the opportunity to take a break from the sport following the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. He was age 36 at the time but declined the offer. "My formula for sports longevity is that I never stop. For me, this is a way of life that is difficult to change. After the Games in Rio, the national team coach offered me the chance to rest for a year or two. But I thought that if I took a break, it would not be easy to return. I practically never stop, even between seasons I rest for no more than a month, because I already want to get back to work. I just do it." (isport.ua, 23 Apr 2019; kp.ua, 07 Aug 2018)

He has studied at the Classic Private University in Ukraine. (noc-ukr.org, 13 Jul 2021)


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