

VU Thanh An


Information personnelle

Family Wife Tu Anh Nguyen, one son

Residence Hanoi, VIE

Occupation Athlete, Businessperson

Languages Vietnamese

Numéro de licence 07081992007


Zone Championships--11
Wuxi (CHINE), 2016-04-13
Wuxi (CHINE), 2016-04-11

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He took up the sport at age 15 in Hanoi, Vietnam.

Why this sport? He played football before switching to fencing under the guidance of coach Nguyen Le Ba Quang.

Name of coach Pham Anh Tuan [national], VIE

Handedness Right

General Interest

Most influential person in career Coach Sergey Koryazhkin. (Athlete, 05 Aug 2016)

Awards and honours He was flag bearer for Vietnam at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. He carried out the same role at the opening ceremonies of the Southeast Asian Games in 2019 and 2017, and the 2018 Asian Games in Indonesia. (vietnamnet.vn, 27 Nov 2019)

Famous relatives His wife Tu Anh Nguyen competed in shooting at national level in Vietnam. (zingnews.vn, 02 Dec 2019)

Other information BUSINESS
He and his wife Tu Anh Nguyen run Tra Sua Tiamo, an online food and beverage business in Hanoi, Vietnam. He also sells coffee machines. "My wife has to spend time taking care of our baby while I am busy practising, so I decided to reduce some business loads [speaking in 2022]. I mainly sell [coffee makers] to acquaintances and colleagues at the Hanoi Sports Centre for Senior Athletes. We're also happy with our online business. I have to prepare for our future. This business is my preparation." (Tu Anh Nguyen Facebook profile, 03 Apr 2022; bongdaplus.vn, 16 Jan 2022; baotnvn.vn, 26 Jun 2020)


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