

BOUZAID Alexandre


Information personnelle

Family Daughter Alienor, one son

Languages English, French

Numéro de licence 29061981001


Zone Championships4-37
Tunis (TUNISIE), 2010-09-25Casablanca (MAROC), 2012-04-20
Le Caire (EGYPTE), 2011-07-21Le Caire (EGYPTE), 2017-06-09
Le Caire (EGYPTE), 2015-06-13Tunis (TUNISIE), 2018-06-06
Alger (ALGERIE), 2016-04-15

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He began fencing at age four in France.

Why this sport? There was a training centre near his house. "I took it up for fun. Fencing's the best."

Club / Team Sports Reunis Colmar Escrime: France

Handedness Left

International Debut

Year 2000

Competing for France

General Interest

Hobbies Playing sports, spending time with friends and family, travelling. (Athlete, 06 Aug 2016)

Memorable sporting achievement Winning the African championships four times [2010, 2011, 2015, 2016], and winning gold at the 1998 World Cadet Championships in Valencia, Venezuela. (Athlete, 06 Aug 2016)

Most influential person in career His family and friends. (Athlete, 06 Aug 2016)

Injuries He suffered from a meniscus injury in 2011. (Athlete, 06 Aug 2016)

Sporting philosophy / motto "To enjoy fencing and have fun while winning." (Athlete, 06 Aug 2016)

Ambitions To win an Olympic medal. (Athlete, 06 Aug 2016)

Other information FROM FRANCE TO SENEGAL
Born in Senegal, of Lebanese origins, he grew up in France and received citizenship there. He represented France until 2010, at which point he switched to compete for Senegal. "In 2010 I was contacted by the Senegal Fencing Federation. I accepted their invitation to return and defend the colours of Senegal." (alexandrebouzaid.blogspot.com, 22 Jan 2012; popxibaar.com, 24 Sep 2010; stadafric.com, 01 Aug 2016)

He has studied for a master's degree in sports training at Paris-East Creteil University, a master's degree in sports and fitness administration and management at ESG Management School in Paris, France, and a master's degree in marketing at ESSEC Business School. (LinkedIn profile, 03 May 2021)

He works as a project director for an information technology company in France. (LinkedIn profile, 03 May 2021)


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