

CAUCHON Francois


Information personnelle

Residence Montreal, QC, CAN

Occupation Athlete

Languages English, French

Higher education Finance - McGill University: Montreal, QC, CAN

Numéro de licence 26042000002


Sport Specific Information

Why this sport? "I did some fencing in primary and secondary school but not a huge amount. But in the sports programme at College Brebeuf [his school in Montreal, QC, Canada], we had the choice of four sports, fencing being one of them. At first I chose basketball, but my brother used to practise fencing and told me about it, so I switched. At first, I wasn't serious, but when I started to get good results, I quit my other sports to focus on fencing. The sabre is favoured by those who like speed, sprinting and fast action - there is more energy. Your personality will make you choose your discipline."

Handedness Right

General Interest

Injuries In 2018 he sustained a muscle tear. (escrimequebec.qc.ca, 01 May 2018)

Awards and honours He was named Junior Male Athlete of the Year at the 2020 Prix CCF Awards in Canada. (Canadian Fencing Federation Facebook page, 05 Jul 2020)

He received the Junior Male Athlete of the Year award at the 2019 Gala Meritas organised by the Quebec Fencing Federation in Canada. (Federation d'Escrime du Quebec Facebook page, 03 Jun 2019)

Ambitions To compete at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (rds.ca, 10 Jan 2020)


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