

SUN Yiwen

LicenceNot valid

Information personnelle

Residence Yantai, CHN

Occupation Athlete

Languages Mandarin

Numéro de licence 17061992004


World Cup4-48
Legnano (ITALIE), 2015-10-23La Havane (CUBA), 2018-01-19
Barcelone (ESPAGNE), 2017-01-20Tallin (ESTONIE), 2018-11-09
Suzhou (CHINE), 2017-11-10Tallin (ESTONIE), 2019-11-01
Dubai (EMIRATS ARABES UNIS), 2018-05-04Barcelone (ESPAGNE), 2023-02-10
World Championship--11
Milan (ITALIE), 2023-07-22
Zone Championships-112
Kuweit City (KOWEIT), 2024-06-22Hong Kong (HONG KONG, CHINE), 2017-06-17
Grand Prix1-12
Cali (COLOMBIE), 2019-05-03Rio de Janeiro (BRESIL), 2015-05-23
Olympic Games1-12
Tokyo (JAPON), 2021-07-24Rio de Janeiro (BRESIL), 2016-08-06

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? She began fencing in 2006 in Yantai, People's Republic of China.

Why this sport? She was encouraged to take up the sport by coach Xu Zhaowei. She also wanted to improve her health.

Club / Team Shandong Province: China

Name of coach Zhu Xiaolin [club, national]; Alexander Glazunov [national], RUS

Handedness Left

General Interest

Nicknames Fencing Goddess (k.sina.com.cn, 20 Oct 2019)

Hobbies Sport, playing video games, fashion. (Tongshi Baijiahao, 10 Mar 2022; Forbes China, 17 Sep 2021)

Hero / Idol Chinese swimmer Ning Zetao. (sport.gov.cn, 18 Aug 2016)

Injuries She was affected by injuries to her caudal vertebrae and knee after the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. She returned to training in October 2022. (beijingtimes.com, 28 Sep 2023)

She withdrew from the team competition at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo due to a muscle strain in her left leg. (Renmin News, 27 Jul 2021)

She has sustained shoulder and knee injuries during her sporting career. (sport.gov.cn, 28 Apr 2023)

Sporting philosophy / motto "Soar like a phoenix rising from the ashes." (sohu.com, 09 Jun 2017)

Awards and honours She participated in the torch relay ahead of the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing. (Weibo profile, 02 Feb 2022)

In 2014 she was named an Elite Athlete of International Class by the General Administration of Sport of China. (sport.gov.cn, 03 Jan 2014)

Milestones She became the first female fencer representing the People's Republic of China to win a gold medal in individual epee at the Olympic Games by claiming victory at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. (SportsDeskOnline, 16 Mar 2022; Tongshi Baijiahao, 10 Mar 2022)

Famous relatives Her younger brother Sun Jiayu has competed in fencing in the People's Republic of China. (qx.shm.com.cn, 03 Aug 2016)

Ambitions To win a medal at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (cn.chinadaily.com.cn, 24 Feb 2024; thepaper.cn, 28 Sep 2023; news.cn, 12 Oct 2023)


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