



Personal Information

Occupation Athlete

Languages Korean

Higher education Physical Education - International University of Korea: Jinju, KOR

License number 06091993005


World Cup2226
Barcelone (SPAIN), 2022-02-11Barcelone (SPAIN), 2024-02-09Suzhou (CHINA), 2016-11-11
Fujairah (UNITED ARAB EMIRATES), 2023-05-19Nanjing (CHINA), 2024-03-22Tallin (ESTONIA), 2022-11-11
World Championship1--1
Le Caire (EGYPT), 2022-07-15
Zone Championships-112
Wuxi (CHINA), 2023-06-17Kuweit City (KUWAIT), 2024-06-22
Grand Prix-112
Budapest (HUNGARY), 2020-03-06Le Caire (EGYPT), 2022-04-29

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? She began fencing at junior high school in Geumsan County, Republic of Korea.

Why this sport? Her physical education teacher suggested the sport to her.

Club / Team Busan Metropolitan City Hall: Republic of Korea

Name of coach Gu Gyo-Dong [national], KOR

Handedness Left

International Debut

Year 2014

Competing for Republic of Korea

Tournament World Cup

Location Doha, QAT

General Interest

Memorable sporting achievement Winning gold in the women's individual and team epee at the 2022 World Championships in Cairo, Egypt. (olympics.com, 31 Jul 2022)

Most influential person in career Coach Chang Tae-Suk, and her parents. (Uni-Bro Global Media Center YouTube channel, 04 Jul 2015)

Hero / Idol Korean fencer Park Se-Ra. (Uni-Bro Global Media Center YouTube channel, 04 Jul 2015)

Injuries In 2022 and 2023 she was troubled by Achilles tendon problems. (chosun.com, 24 Sep 2023; olympics.com, 31 Jul 2022)

Superstitions / Rituals / Beliefs She eats half a bowl of rice for breakfast on the day of competition. "I feel like I can't play well if I eat more than one bowl." (Uni-Bro Global Media Center YouTube channel, 04 Jul 2015)

Awards and honours She was presented with an Excellence Award at the 2022 Women's Sports Awards in the Republic of Korea. (mbn.co.kr, 21 Dec 2022)

In 2021 she was given an Excellence Award by the Korean Sport and Olympic Committee. (Instagram profile, 23 Feb 2021)

She received an Excellence Award at the 2013 Jinju City Night of Athletes in the Republic of Korea. (gnnews.co.kr, 26 Dec 2013)

Milestones She is the first fencer representing the Republic of Korea to have won gold in both individual and team epee at the world championships. She claimed victory in both events at the 2022 edition of the tournament in Cairo, Egypt. (SportsDeskOnline, 23 Apr 2023; olympics.com, 31 Jul 2022)

Famous relatives Her younger sister has competed in fencing for the International University of Korea. (joongang.co.kr, 28 Jul 2021)

Ambitions To win gold at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (olympics.com, 31 Jul 2022)


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