

LUCENAY Jean-Michel


Personal Information

Family Two children

Languages English, French, Spanish

Higher education Sport Management - Claude Bernard University Lyon: France

License number 25041978000


World Cup1449
Berne (SWITZERLAND), 2014-10-24Poitiers (FRANCE), 2006-03-17Montréal (CANADA), 2010-05-28
Paris (FRANCE), 2008-05-10Paris (FRANCE), 2014-05-02
Montréal (CANADA), 2009-05-29Heidenheim (GERMANY), 2016-01-21
Legnano (ITALY), 2014-01-24Buenos Aires (ARGENTINA), 2016-11-18
World Championship--11
Paris (FRANCE), 2010-11-05
Zone Championships1-34
Leipzig (GERMANY), 2010-07-16Kiev (UKRAINE), 2008-07-04
Strasbourg (FRANCE), 2014-06-07
TORUN (POLAND), 2016-06-21
Grand Prix1-34
Legnano (ITALY), 2009-01-30Stockholm (SWEDEN), 2012-05-12
Berne (SWITZERLAND), 2012-06-02
Doha (QATAR), 2016-12-09

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He began fencing at age six at the Durandal a Fort de France club in Martinique.

Why this sport? He and his brother were inspired to start fencing after watching movies with sword fighting in them. "The epee was the weapon of duels, and when I started fencing I was too young to use one, which made me want to do it even more."

Handedness Left

General Interest

Nicknames Titi, Jimmy, Jean-Miche (escrime-ffe.fr, 11 Jun 2008)

Hobbies Cinema, team sports, spending time with family, travelling. (NOC Media Guide, 2016)

Most influential person in career His brother Laurent. (franceolympique.com, 11 Jul 2011; la1ere.francetvinfo.fr, 28 Jan 2017)

Injuries He suffered a back injury in November 2012. (escrime-ffe.fr, 16 Nov 2012)

Awards and honours In 2010 he was named Male Athlete of the Year by the French Fencing Federation [FFE]. (laruedubac.com, 12 Dec 2010)

Famous relatives His brother Laurent has also represented France in fencing. (Facebook page, 28 Jan 2017; SportsDeskOnline, 10 May 2009)

Other information RETIREMENT
He retired from competitive fencing after competing in July 2017 at the world championships in Leipzig, Germany. (escrime-ffe.fr, 31 Jul 2017)

He has a master's degree in sport organisations management from Claude Bernard University Lyon in France. (LinkedIn profile, 2016)


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