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Information personnelle

Residence Milan, ITA

Occupation Athlete, Politician, Sports Administrator

Languages English, French, Italian, Spanish

Higher education Political Science - University of Milan: Italy

Numéro de licence 04091993000


World Cup11-2
Paris (FRANCE), 2017-05-12Buenos Aires (ARGENTINE), 2016-11-18
Grand Prix-123
Bogota (COLOMBIE), 2017-05-26Vancouver - British Columbia (CANADA), 2014-03-22
Cali (COLOMBIE), 2019-05-03

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He began fencing at about age seven at Club Scherma Acireale in Italy.

Why this sport? "My passion for fencing was born completely by chance. My former neighbour in Acireale, as well as my friend, had been practising this discipline for years. One day he asked me to keep him company. So I walked him to the gym and stopped to watch him. I immediately fell in love with the sport."

Club / Team GS Fiamme Oro: Italy

Handedness Right

General Interest

Nicknames Fichi (baku2015.com, 27 Jun 2015)

Hobbies Reading, watching sports. (qds.it, 12 Jul 2021)

Memorable sporting achievement Winning silver in team epee at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. (thesportspirit.com, 11 Jan 2019)

Sporting philosophy / motto "Fencing is self-control, patience, and modesty." (marcofichera.it, 24 Nov 2019)

Awards and honours He received the 2018 Fair Play Award from the International Fencing Federation [FIE] after admitting he did not deserve a point he had been given during the final of the 2017 World Cup event in Bogota, Colombia. Had he taken the point he would have won the bout but he eventually went on to lose against Ukrainian fencer Bogdan Nikishin. "I prefer a fair defeat than a non-deserved victory." (fie.org, 08 Dec 2018; Tv2000it YouTube channel, 19 Nov 2018)

Other information OTHER ACTIVITIES
In 2022 he was appointed president of the organising committee of the 2023 World Fencing Championships in Milan, Italy. He had also been president of the event's bid committee. "The dream, which has now become a goal, is to make Milan 2023 a world championship that goes beyond fencing. An event that is not limited only to competition but that is able to represent the whole of Italy, the importance that sport has in our country." Since 2019 he has also been head of the sports and youth department of a political party in Milan. "I have always been interested in politics and I think that my 20-year-long experience in the sports world supports my will to help the associations and the sport sector constantly improve." (LinkedIn profile, 01 Feb 2022; sportwebsicilia.it, 11 Jan 2022; pianetascherma.com, 16 Dec 2021)

After earning a degree in political science he also earned a postgraduate degree in law from the University of Milan in Italy. "When I decided to undertake my second university course, I did it with the awareness that nothing would be easy or obvious, that I would have to make choices. However, I had no doubts because I really wanted it. In my opinion, I have always wanted to combine study as an indispensable training course in the life of each of us. I am convinced that, for the growth of the sector, all athletes must be able to pursue and also achieve their training goal." (LinkedIn profile, 01 Feb 2022; Instagram profile, 31 Mar 2021)


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