

FOCONI Alessio


Information personnelle

Family Partner Mariavittoria Cozzella

Residence Terni, ITA

Occupation Armed Forces Athlete

Languages English, Italian

Higher education Physical Education - Sapienza University of Rome: Italy

Numéro de licence 22111989000


World Cup66618
Paris (FRANCE), 2018-01-19Le Caire (EGYPTE), 2016-10-21Espinho (PORTUGAL), 2008-03-15
Paris (FRANCE), 2019-01-11Le Caire (EGYPTE), 2017-10-20Bonn (ALLEMAGNE), 2015-02-06
Tokyo (JAPON), 2019-12-13St-Petersbourg (RUSSIE), 2018-05-04Tokyo (JAPON), 2019-01-25
Plovdiv (BULGARIE), 2022-04-29St-Petersbourg (RUSSIE), 2019-05-03Bonn (ALLEMAGNE), 2019-11-08
Takasaki (JAPON), 2024-12-06Bonn (ALLEMAGNE), 2022-11-11Le Caire (EGYPTE), 2020-02-21
Paris (FRANCE), 2025-01-10Paris (FRANCE), 2024-01-11Paris (FRANCE), 2022-01-14
World Championship1--1
Wuxi (CHINE), 2018-07-21
Zone Championships11-2
Düsseldorf (ALLEMAGNE), 2019-06-17Basel (SUISSE), 2024-06-18
Grand Prix31610
Turin (ITALIE), 2016-12-02Shanghai (CHINE), 2017-05-19Shanghai (CHINE), 2011-05-09
Shanghai (CHINE), 2019-05-17Shanghai (CHINE), 2016-06-03
Busan (COREE), 2023-03-18Turin (ITALIE), 2017-12-01
Turin (ITALIE), 2019-02-08
Anaheim, California (U.S.A.), 2019-03-15
Incheon (COREE), 2022-05-13
Baku (AZERBAIDJAN), 2015-06-25

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He took up the sport at age six at the Circolo Scherma Terni club in Italy.

Why this sport? He followed his older brother into the sport. "I fell in love with the sport and the people I met - maybe that's why I lost my head in fencing."

Club / Team Circolo Scherma Terni [ITA] / CS Aeronautica Militare [ITA]:

Name of coach Filippo Romagnoli [club, national]

Handedness Right

General Interest

Hobbies Cinema. (parigi2024.coni.it, 01 Sep 2023)

Hero / Idol Italian fencer Simone Vanni. (repubblica.it, 25 Jul 2018)

Sporting philosophy / motto "Daje!" ["Come on!" in Roman dialect]. (parigi2024.coni.it, 01 Sep 2023)

Famous relatives His partner Mariavittoria Cozzella is an actress and has featured in films and television series in Italy. She has also competed in fencing at national level. (sporterni.it, 16 Jul 2021; donnaglamour.it, 10 Oct 2020)

Ambitions To compete at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (umbria24.it, 16 Jan 2022)

Other information PATIENCE PAYS OFF
He was not selected for the Italy fencing team ahead of the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. However, his friend Daniele Garozzo won gold in individual foil in Brazil, which inspired Foconi to refocus on his own career. He went on to win gold in both individual foil and team foil at the 2018 World Championships in Wuxi, People's Republic of China. "Watching [Garozzo] winning gold made me very happy but at the same time it changed something inside of me, it sparked a crazy desire to join him. I committed myself like mad. I had been the ugly duckling, suffering many blows. I had watched a lot of competitions from the stands because I got eliminated. But all of it was helpful. I recognised the benefits of not quitting. I have always smiled and had the will to never surrender. I am the example of someone who works hard and achieves his goal." (sport.sky.it, 24 Jul 2018)

He has coached young fencers at the Circolo Scherma Terni club in Italy. "If I can be a role model for all the kids that approach fencing or whatever other sport, teaching them that with sacrifice and will they can go far, I will be very honoured." (avvenire.it, 05 Sep 2018)


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