



Personal Information

Occupation Police Athlete

Languages Italian

License number 30081990001


World Cup12710
Orléans (FRANCE), 2017-10-27Orléans (FRANCE), 2014-11-21Bolzano (ITALY), 2014-02-28
Sint-Niklaas (BELGIUM), 2017-11-17Antalya (TÜRKIYE), 2014-03-14
Athènes (GREECE), 2015-01-30
Caracas (VENEZUELA), 2015-10-09
Tbilisi (GEORGIA), 2022-01-14
Plovdiv (BULGARIA), 2022-01-28
Sint-Niklaas (BELGIUM), 2023-03-17
Zone Championships-224
Tbilisi (GEORGIA), 2017-06-12Strasbourg (FRANCE), 2014-06-07
Antalya (TÜRKIYE), 2022-06-19Montreux (SWITZERLAND), 2015-06-07

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? She took up the sport at age eight in Salerno, Italy.

Why this sport? She was initially more interested in volleyball than fencing, but changed her mind after she was introduced to the sabre discipline. "I started by chance because friends of the family were managers of the Salerno Fencing Club. My initial impression was not the best, because it is a demanding sport, with many rules, an individual discipline. I quit and started again at age 10. The passion ignited from the moment I switched from foil to sabre."

Club / Team CS Carabinieri: Italy

Training Regime She trains at the Musumeci Greco Weapons Academy in Rome, Italy.

Handedness Left

General Interest

Memorable sporting achievement Representing Italy for the first time, winning her first European championship medal, and claiming gold in team sabre at the 2017 World Championships in Leipzig, Germany. (lacittadisalerno.it, 16 Mar 2020)

Sporting philosophy / motto "Fencing has made me grow as an athlete and as a person, bringing me to compete with and socialise with many people all different from me and who come from various parts of the world. It taught me to overcome my fears and limitations on my own." (frascatischerma.it, 01 Sep 2018)

Awards and honours In 2017 she received the Gold Necklace of Sporting Merit [Collare d'oro al merito sportivo] from the Italian Olympic Committee [CONI]. (coni.it, 19 Dec 2017)

In 2017 she received the 'Donne per Napoli' [Women for Naples] Award in Italy. (napoli.fanpage.it, 20 Dec 2017; sport.ilmattino.it, 20 Nov 2015)

In 2016 she was presented with the Silver Medal for Athletic Value from the Campania regional office of CONI. (campania.coni.it, 11 Nov 2016)

In 2009 and 2016 she received the Princess Sichelgaita Award for Athlete of the Year. The honour is given to women from Salerno, Italy, who stand out in the fields of science, the arts, culture, economy and sport. (cilentonotizie.it, 28 May 2018; gioacchinoalfano.com, 17 Jun 2016; liratv.com, 23 Jun 2009)

Ambitions To compete at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (ottopagine.it, 07 Nov 2023)

Other information FUTURE PLANS
She says she may become a coach in the sport after her competitive career. "Although it is difficult for me to think too far ahead, I imagine a future career in the world of fencing is a possibility. I could see myself as a coach, but I don't know if that would be in the competitive world or in a smaller and more casual environment, like the one I started from." (lacittadisalerno.it, 16 Mar 2020)


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