

IVANOVA Anastasiia

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Information personnelle

Family Husband Artyom Danilov

Residence Ufa, RUS

Occupation Armed Forces Athlete

Languages English, Russian

Higher education Coaching, Teaching - Ural State University of Physical Education: Ufa, RUS

Numéro de licence 21031990000


World Cup-123
Tauberbischofsheim (ALLEMAGNE), 2019-05-03Turin (ITALIE), 2014-03-21
St-Maur (FRANCE), 2016-11-04
Grand Prix--11
Turin (ITALIE), 2019-02-08

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? She began fencing in 1998 in Ufa, Russian Federation.

Why this sport? She followed her older brother into the sport.

Club / Team Central Sports Army Club [RUS] / Ufa Fencing Sports School of Olympic Reserve [RUS]:

Name of coach Lira Grushina [personal], RUS; Yana Ruzavina, RUS

Handedness Right

General Interest

Nicknames Nastya, Nastena (VK profile, 05 Apr 2022; sport-express.ru, 31 Jul 2021)

Hobbies Alpine skiing, spending time with family and friends. (Athlete, 08 Jun 2019)

Most influential person in career Her parents. (Athlete, 09 Jul 2014)

Hero / Idol US swimmer Michael Phelps. (Athlete, 09 Jul 2014)

Sporting philosophy / motto "If you have a dream, go for it. Through blood, sweat and tears." (Athlete, 08 Jun 2019)

Awards and honours In December 2019 she received the title of Honoured Master of Sport in the Russian Federation. (minsport.gov.ru, 03 Dec 2019)

Famous relatives Her father and her older brother have worked as fencing coaches. (Athlete, 09 Jul 2014)

Ambitions To win gold medals at the world championships, European championships and Olympic Games. (Athlete, 08 Jun 2019)


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