



Información personal

Family Wife Oksana, two daughters including one named Luiza

Residence Haapsalu, EST

Occupation Coach

Languages English, Estonian, Russian

Número de licencia 09061980000


World Cup3-36
Tallin (ESTONIA), 2010-02-13Tallin (ESTONIA), 2011-03-04
Tallin (ESTONIA), 2012-03-02Paris (FRANCIA), 2013-05-03
Paris (FRANCIA), 2018-05-11Berne (SUIZA), 2015-10-23
World Championship21-3
Paris (FRANCIA), 2010-11-05Leipzig (ALEMANIA), 2017-07-19
Budapest (HUNGRIA), 2013-08-06
Zone Championships-213
Legnano (ITALIA), 2012-06-15Tbilisi (GEORGIA), 2017-06-13
Novi Sad (SERBIA), 2018-06-17
Grand Prix3249
Bogota (COLOMBIA), 2009-06-12Vancouver - British Columbia (CANADA), 2013-03-23Stockholm (SUECIA), 2011-05-14
Stockholm (SUECIA), 2012-05-12Vancouver - British Columbia (CANADA), 2014-03-22Doha (QATAR), 2012-02-10
Budapest (HUNGRIA), 2015-03-20Doha (QATAR), 2013-01-18
Doha (QATAR), 2016-12-09
Stockholm (SUECIA), 2007-02-10Turku (FINLANDIA), 2008-10-18
Turku (FINLANDIA), 2007-10-13
Oslo (NORUEGA), 2007-11-10
Copenhague (DINAMARCA), 2008-10-25
Stockholm (SUECIA), 2012-01-21
Stockholm (SUECIA), 2013-01-12
Turku (FINLANDIA), 2013-10-12
Stockholm (SUECIA), 2015-01-10

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He took up the sport in 1992, and began competing in 1998.

Club / Team Vehklemisklubi Le Glaive: Estonia

Handedness Right

General Interest

Nicknames Kolya (ohtuleht.ee, 14 Nov 2015)

Injuries A hand injury ruled him out of the 2019 European Championships in Dusseldorf, Germany, and the 2019 World Championships in Budapest, Hungary. (le.ee, 30 Aug 2019)

He had to withdraw from the 2017 Estonian Championships due to health reasons. (sport.ohtuleht.ee, 17 Apr 2017)

Awards and honours He was named the 2019 Coach of the Year by the Estonian Fencing Association. (sport.err.ee, 24 Dec 2019)

He was named the 2018 Male Fencer of the Year by the Estonian Fencing Association. (sport.err.ee, 06 Dec 2018)

He was named the 2017 Best Male Athlete in Tallinn, Estonia. (uudised.tv3.ee, 19 Dec 2017)

In 2010 and 2013 he was named Best Male Athlete in Estonia. (Facebook page, 19 Jun 2018; esbl.ee, 13 Jun 2017)

In 2011 he was presented with the Order of the White Star [Third Class]. The award is given in recognition of services rendered to the Estonian state. (Facebook page, 19 Jun 2018; news.err.ee, 02 Feb 2011)

Famous relatives His daughter Luiza Novosjolova represented Estonia in fencing at the 2019 Kupittaa Tournament in Turku, Finland. (SportsDeskOnline, 10 Aug 2020; postimees.ee, 14 Dec 2019)

Ambitions To win a medal at the Olympic Games. (sport.ohtuleht.ee, 18 May 2020)


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