

SHI Gaofeng


Información personal

Residence Beijing, CHN

Occupation Athlete

Languages Mandarin

Número de licencia 16011992003


Zone Championships--11
Wuxi (CHINA), 2016-04-13

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He began fencing during his first year in middle school.

Why this sport? He was scouted by a fencing coach after joining Nantong Sport School in the People's Republic of China. He had initially been selected for the school because of his potential in basketball.

Club / Team Jiangsu Province: China

Name of coach Xu Xuening [club]

Handedness Right

General Interest

Hobbies Watching football, playing video games, walking, sightseeing, listening to music, reading. (Ming Liao Sports Baijiahao, 19 Oct 2021)

Most influential person in career Chinese fencers Zhong Man and Lei Sheng. (Ming Liao Sports Baijiahao, 19 Oct 2021)

Hero / Idol Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. (Ming Liao Sports Baijiahao, 19 Oct 2021)

Awards and honours In 2014 he was named an Elite Athlete of National Class by the General Administration of Sport of China. (sport.gov.cn, 30 Oct 2014)

Ambitions To win a medal at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris and to win an individual gold medal at the 2025 National Games as the last competition of his career. (Ming Liao Sports Baijiahao, 19 Oct 2021)

He admits that 2016 was a tough year for him that he almost decided to retire after missing the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. "Although I won the national championship in 2016, we didn't qualify for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. It was a huge hit for me that despite I was in my prime, I wanted to retire. In fact, all three of the team members other than myself retired. I had some long conversations with coaches and team leaders. At the time, the national team was going through a reform which gave me some hope. I felt that everything will get better and decided to stay in the sport." (Ming Liao Sports Baijiahao, 19 Oct 2021)

He initially quit fencing to focus on the national university entrance exam in the second year of high school. "I really liked fencing as a high school student but my family was against it. In the second year of high school, my family convinced me that I would not have a career in fencing and I should have focused on the national university entrance exam instead. As the result, I quit fencing and concentrated on my school work. However, something wrong happened to my exam that I took a zero at one of the six subjects and the exam was a total failure. At the time, I felt that this is my destiny, that fencing is my career." (Ming Liao Sports Baijiahao, 19 Oct 2021)


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