



Personal Information

Family Partner Olga Kharlan

Residence Bologna, ITA

Occupation Police Athlete

Languages English, Italian

License number 25071987001


World Cup15612
Chicago (USA), 2014-05-02Isla de Margarita (VENEZUELA), 2010-06-13Athènes (GREECE), 2009-01-31
Alger (ALGERIA), 2018-11-16Dallas (USA), 2009-06-19
Le Caire (EGYPT), 2019-11-15Chicago (USA), 2013-05-03
Alger (ALGERIA), 2022-11-10Padoue (ITALY), 2014-02-14
Padua (ITALY), 2024-03-01Warsaw (POLAND), 2023-02-10
Tbilisi (GEORGIA), 2024-02-09
Zone Championships--11
Basel (SWITZERLAND), 2024-06-19
Grand Prix1157
Cancun (MEXICO), 2016-12-16Tunis (TUNISIA), 2023-01-13Moscow (RUSSIA), 2010-02-12
Plovdiv (BULGARIA), 2013-01-19
Budapest (HUNGARY), 2014-03-08
Varsovie (POLAND), 2014-05-17
Montreal (CANADA), 2020-01-10
Olympic Games-112
Tokyo (JAPAN), 2021-07-24Paris (FRANCE), 2024-07-27

Sport Specific Information

Why this sport? He followed his older brother into the sport.

Club / Team GS Fiamme Gialle [ITA] / Virtus Scherma Bologna [ITA]:

Name of coach Nicola Zanotti [national]

Training Regime "In the off-season I do a lot of gym and athletic training, a lot of cardio and little attention to detail. Once we get close to competitions, quantity is lost to focus on quality. I also do pilates two afternoons a week. I find it very useful, as it rebalances the body and helps me avoid injuries. I also work a lot on my core as well as on elasticity and balance. The latter is fundamental for the sport I do. I will continue to do so even when I stop being an athlete."

Handedness Left

General Interest

Nicknames Gigi (puglia.federscherma.it, 03 Mar 2024)

Hobbies Playing the piano. (parigi2024.coni.it, 24 Mar 2024)

Memorable sporting achievement Winning silver in both individual and team sabre at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. (Instagram profile, 24 Sep 2021; Instagram profile, 01 Aug 2021)

Most influential person in career Coach Andrea Terenzio. (Instagram profile, 01 Aug 2021)

Hero / Idol Ukrainian fencer [and his partner] Olga Kharlan, Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal, Swiss tennis player Roger Federer, Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo. (oasport.it, 13 Feb 2022; Instagram profile, 01 Aug 2021)

Injuries In March 2023 he missed a tournament in Budapest, Hungary, due to back pain. (Instagram profile, 24 Mar 2023)

Sporting philosophy / motto "Sport should be fun, first and foremost. I have had too many friends in fencing who were phenomenal, but had not learned to lose due to their high expectations. More than celebrating a victory, you have to understand how to recover from a defeat." (fanpage.it, 15 Jan 2021)

Famous relatives His partner Olga Kharlan has represented Ukraine in fencing. She won medals at the Olympic Games in 2008, 2012, and 2016, including team sabre gold at the 2008 Games in Beijing. She also competed at the 2020 Games in Tokyo. (SportsDeskOnline, 19 Apr 2022; ilrestodelcarlino.it, 07 Mar 2022)

Ambitions To compete at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (parigi2024.coni.it, 24 Mar 2024)

Other information TRAINING ORGANISER
He and his partner, Ukrainian fencer Olga Kharlan, helped to arrange for several Ukrainian fencers to train with the Virtus Scherma Bologna club in Italy in 2022. Samele also organised fundraising to allow them to compete in international events. "That they are able to compete is the best result we could have aspired to. All the sporting results that will come will be irrelevant to the happiness we feel in seeing them return to live peacefully and enjoy fencing." (bolognatoday.it, 13 May 2022; fanpage.it, 12 Mar 2022)


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