Personal Information
Residence St. Petersburg, RUS
Occupation Armed Forces Athlete
Languages Russian
License number 02082000003
Sport Specific Information
When and where did you begin this sport? She took up the sport in 2008.
Why this sport? "Mum saw an advert at school about a fencing group. It turned out she had also fenced a long time ago, and I wondered what it was. I remember at the very beginning, I didn't really like training, a lot of things didn't work out, and the coach was not happy. I used to come home and think, 'Another session, and that's it, I'm leaving'. My interest really grew after I once watched older guys training. They fenced so well. My eyes lit up, I wanted to be like them, to fence like them and be even better."
Club / Team Vyborg District Sports School of Olympic Reserve [RUS] / Central Sports Army Club [RUS]:
Name of coach Artem Sedov [personal], RUS
Handedness Left
General Interest
Nicknames Sasha (VK profile, 09 Apr 2022)
Memorable sporting achievement Winning gold in team foil at the 2019 World Junior Championships in Torun, Poland. (, 28 Jul 2020)
Sporting philosophy / motto "Never give up. Even if everything does not work out at first, you need to go towards your goal and never lose heart." (, 28 Jul 2020)
Awards and honours In 2019 she received the title of Master of Sport of International Class in the Russian Federation. (, 27 Dec 2019)
Ambitions To win a medal at the Olympic Games. (, 28 Jul 2020)