



Personal Information

Occupation Student

Languages English, Spanish

Higher education Business - University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, USA

License number 14062002000


Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? She began fencing at age seven at a fencing academy in Antofagasta, Chile.

Why this sport? "I started out of curiosity and from there I started to enjoy it. It was a lot of fun. I kept training and then started competing. My passion for fencing was born during my first South American championship, the atmosphere of the competition caught my attention. With that I started to become more and more motivated."

Club / Team University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, USA

Name of coach Andy Ma [club]

General Interest

Hobbies Sewing, creating art, playing with her dog. (as.com, 07 May 2021; thebuzzmagazines.com, 30 Apr 2020)

Memorable sporting achievement Competing at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. (Instagram profile, 08 Aug 2021)

Hero / Idol Italian foil fencer Valentina Vezzali. (latercera.com, 06 May 2021)

Milestones She and karateka Rodrigo Rojas were flag bearers for Chile at the opening ceremony of the 2022 Bolivarian Games in Valledupar, Colombia. (Instagram profile, 03 Jul 2022; adnradio.cl, 25 Jun 2022)

Ambitions To compete at multiple editions of the Olympic Games, and to win an Olympic medal. (as.com, 07 May 2021; latercera.com, 06 May 2021)

Other information FROM CHILE TO USA
In 2014 her family moved from Chile to the United States of America. "My dad's business partner was from Houston [in Texas], so my dad was always travelling. One day I accompanied him and there was a fencing club there. Once the opportunity came, we all moved. In the US everything is very different from a cultural point of view. In Chile it was easier for me to make friends, because our Latin culture is more charismatic, so to speak. I had a hard time adjusting to that. The language issue influenced that, making it more difficult for me to meet new people and form bonds, but now [speaking in 2021] everything is fine." (as.com, 07 May 2021; latercera.com, 06 May 2021; coch.cl, 01 May 2021)


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