



Personal Information

Languages Russian

License number 19091998003


Zone Championships--11
Kuweit City (KUWAIT), 2024-06-23

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He took up the sport at age 14 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Why this sport? He wanted to practise a sport to maintain his fitness. He switched from a regular school to a sports school, initially intending to pursue swimming. When the swimming team turned him down, a coach suggested he get involved in fencing instead. "I was small and plump. I thought I needed to change something but my parents forbade me from doing amateur sports in addition to my studies. I decided to switch schools without telling my parents. I was about 13 at the time. The first day of fencing was general physical training. I failed everything. Then I picked up a sword for the first time and won against everyone. I don't know how it happened. The goal was just to win."

Name of coach Ferenc Toth [national], HUN

Training Regime He trains for five or six hours a day.

Handedness Right

General Interest

Hobbies Clay pigeon shooting. (baigenews.kz, 23 Oct 2023)

Memorable sporting achievement Winning gold in team epee at the 2018 Asian U23 Championships in Manila, Philippines. (Athlete, 06 Jul 2022; informburo.kz, 21 Oct 2018)

Awards and honours He has received the title of Master of Sport in Kazakhstan. (shooting-sports.kz, 20 Dec 2021)


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