

EHAB Nardin


Personal Information

Residence Cairo, EGY

Occupation Athlete, Coach

Languages Arabic, English

Higher education Media Studies - Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport: Egypt

License number 31011996002


Zone Championships1113
Casablanca (MOROCCO), 2022-06-16Tunis (TUNISIA), 2018-06-05Le Caire (EGYPT), 2015-06-12
Brazaville (CONGO), 2015-09-02

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? She took up the sport at age 11.

Why this sport? She played basketball when she was younger. She was invited to try fencing by a coach while she was waiting for a friend who was at a training session. "I was meant to wait for her until she was done, but the coach asked me to do a few fencing basics and he was impressed. The coach asked me to consider joining. I said, 'Okay' but I didn't give it another thought, I loved basketball and I had no intention of leaving it. On our next encounter, the coach asked for my parents' number. He called my dad and convinced him that I should try training and joining fencing because I had great potential. My dad encouraged me to join and try."

Club / Team Alexandria Sporting Club: Egypt

Name of coach Sayed Samy [national]; Sandro Cuomo [national], ITA

Handedness Right

General Interest

Most influential person in career Her father. (daralhilal.com.eg, 26 Mar 2015)

Injuries In September 2020 she underwent reconstructive surgery on the anterior cruciate ligament [ACL] in her knee. She returned to competition in early 2021. (Facebook profile, 26 Mar 2021)

Other information OCCUPATION
She works as a coach at Ignite Egypt, a fitness and performance training facility in Cairo, Egypt. She was offered the role after doing her rehabilitation there while recovering from a knee operation in 2020. (Instagram profile, 27 Jun 2024; Ignite Egypt Instagram profile, 31 May 2023; cairogyms.com, 05 Dec 2021)


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