

CHASTANET Maximilien


Personal Information

Residence Paris, FRA

Occupation Athlete

Languages English, French, Spanish

Higher education Marketing - Ohio State University: Columbus, OH, USA

License number 15031996000


Zone Championships--11
Antalya (TÜRKIYE), 2022-06-18
Grand Prix--11
Incheon (KOREA), 2022-05-13
Amsterdam (NETHERLANDS), 2019-09-07

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He first tried fencing at age five.

Why this sport? He was inspired to take up the sport after watching 'Zorro'. "My sister had no interest in sword fighting with me, so my parents signed me up at a local club."

Club / Team Mousquetaires d'Issy les Moulineaux: France

Name of coach Edouard Dumont [club], FRA; Emeric Clos [club, national], FRA; Amir Shabakehsaz [national], FRA

Handedness Right

General Interest

Hobbies Playing football, drums, socialising. (ohiostatebuckeyes.com, 2017)

Sporting philosophy / motto "I like to observe first and then start being aggressive, to leave my opponent no room to develop his game." (cantonrep.com, 25 Nov 2016)

Awards and honours In the 2017/18 season he was named in the All Midwest Fencing Conference Second Team in the United States of America. (ohiostatebuckeyes.com, 01 Mar 2018)

Ambitions To win individual gold at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (issy.com, 14 May 2024)

Other information FENCING AND FOOTBALL
He was a keen footballer as a child, but eventually decided to focus on fencing. "It's true that I hesitated for a long time between football and fencing. I kicked a ball from the age of five and you had to wait until you were seven to practice fencing. Until I was 14, I was a fan of [Zinedine] Zidane. But to reach the top level, I chose fencing and joined a group of friends at the Mousquetaires d'Issy club. For me, sport is above all a human adventure. I know that after the [2024 Olympic] Games, I will play football again. Because for now [speaking in 2024], I have to avoid injuries." (issy.com, 14 May 2024)

After graduating with a bachelor's degree in marketing from Ohio State University in the United States of America in 2018, he began studying for a master's degree in management at the ESCP Business School in Paris, France. (LinkedIn profile, 03 May 2024)


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