



Personal Information

Residence Budapest, HUN

Occupation Armed Forces Athlete

Languages English, Hungarian

Higher education Sport Studies - Eotvos Lorand University: Hungary

License number 04091997000


World Cup3126
Heidenheim (GERMANY), 2020-01-09Kazan (RUSSIA), 2021-03-19Paris (FRANCE), 2019-05-17
Vancouver (CANADA), 2022-12-09Sochi (RUSSIA), 2022-02-11
Saint-Maur (FRANCE), 2024-05-17
World Championship1--1
Budapest (HUNGARY), 2019-07-16
Zone Championships-1-1
Basel (SWITZERLAND), 2024-06-20
Grand Prix1214
Doha (QATAR), 2023-01-28Budapest (HUNGARY), 2024-03-09Le Caire (EGYPT), 2022-04-29
Cali (COLOMBIA), 2024-05-03
Olympic Games-1-1
Tokyo (JAPAN), 2021-07-25

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He began fencing at age seven. "I was doing it for fun until around 14 when I beat the Hungarian No. 1 at that time, and realised that this is serious, for real."

Why this sport? "When I first tried [fencing], I felt like 'this is me'. Fencing is not only about physical or technical capabilities, it's also about mind games. It's not the fastest or the strongest who wins. It's the one who can put the whole cake together."

Club / Team Budapesti Honved Sportegyesulet [BHSE]: Hungary

Name of coach Tamas Dancshazy-Nagy [national], HUN

Training Regime He supplements his training with cycling and running in his spare time.

Handedness Left

General Interest

Hobbies Basketball, travel, sailing, spending time with friends. (academyoffencingmasters.com, 26 Jun 2020; Facebook page, 16 Apr 2020)

Memorable sporting achievement Winning silver in the individual epee event at the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. (infostart.hu, 05 Aug 2021)

Injuries In 2023 he was affected by a foot injury. (m4sport.hu, 02 Apr 2024; molcsapat.hu, 13 Nov 2023; straitstimes.com, 21 Jul 2023)

He had a knee injury in 2020. (eurosport.hosszabbitas.hu, 23 Nov 2020)

In January 2019 he underwent surgery on his hand and was out of action for six weeks. (veol.hu, 24 Jul 2019)

Superstitions / Rituals / Beliefs In the lead-up to a competition he reduces the amount of training he does. "It makes me better because I have a little bit more competitiveness and strength. When people train a lot right before a competition, they go into the competition and they are tired and they don't want to fence that much. I always like to boost myself before the competition week." (academyoffencingmasters.com, 26 Jun 2020)

Sporting philosophy / motto "It's a long journey. You have to know yourself. You have to be mentally healthy. At home, everything must be in order." (academyoffencingmasters.com, 26 Jun 2020)

Ambitions To win a medal in both the individual and team competitions at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. (eurosport.hu, 12 Mar 2024)

Other information MILITARY SERVICE
He serves in the Hungarian Army's Sports Squadron and in 2020 he underwent five weeks of basic military training. "We're military athletes, it's part of a dual career model. It allows anyone who wants to continue as a soldier after a career as an athlete to do that. I had no question that I would like to attend basic training sooner or later. Even though we don't go to the barracks every day, we feel a lot more confident with other soldiers. Completing basic training required us to have a different kind of endurance, not only physically but also mentally. If there was an order, it had to be executed, even if we didn't see the point at the time, and after you did it five times, you realised why it was a task and what the point was. So I have a lot of good experience that I can use in sport. I've become a more serious person." (straitstimes.com, 21 Jul 2023; eurosport.hosszabbitas.hu, 23 Nov 2020; Reuters Twitter page, 15 May 2021)


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