



Personal Information

Residence Santa Barbara, CA, USA

Occupation Athlete, Environmental Professional

Languages English, French, Russian

Higher education Geophysics - Princeton University: United States

License number 14081994000


World Cup1--1
Suzhou (CHINA), 2016-11-11
Zone Championships--11
San José (COSTA RICA), 2014-06-01

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? She began fencing at age eight in Houston, TX, United States of America.

Why this sport? She was encouraged to take up the sport by a friend. "The fencing club was near her house. She started when we were in lower school. She took me one day, and I loved it, so I convinced my mother to start letting me go. She quit like a year later, but I'm still doing it."

Club / Team Alliance Fencing Academy: Houston, TX, USA

Handedness Right

International Debut

Year 2014

Competing for United States

General Interest

Hobbies Playing the viola, listening to podcasts, reading. (usafencing.org, 01 Jun 2021)

She says that missing out on qualifying for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro made her reassess her priorities. "I had taken a year off from school to try to qualify for the Rio Olympics and I didn't make it and I was heartbroken. I decided I'm going to make life choices not because of fencing. I love fencing and I'm always going to fence and see where it goes, but I'm going to structure my life according to some of my other interests." In 2017 she moved to Switzerland to study for a master's degree in geophysics and geothermal energy at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. "I knew there was fencing, but I thought I'd take a more recreational approach to fencing while I was there. It ended up that I visited the club, I got to know the people, it was a really great atmosphere, and they really encouraged me and pushed me. It's a huge part of where I am. Because I went to Switzerland and got to train with people there I ended up making this team [the US team for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo]." ((LinkedIn profile, 01 Jan 2022; towntopics.com, 28 Jul 2021; usafencing.org, 01 Jun 2021)

She works as an environmental scientist at a consulting group in Santa Barbara, CA, United States of America. (LinkedIn profile, 01 Jan 2022; usafencing.org, 01 Jun 2021)


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