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Information personnelle

Family One daughter

Residence Novosibirsk, RUS

Occupation Athlete

Languages English, Russian

Higher education Coaching, Teaching - Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University: Russia

Numéro de licence 28071986001


World Cup15511
Istanbul (TURQUIE), 2010-01-16Athènes (GRECE), 2010-01-30Tunis (TUNISIE), 2007-03-16
Madrid (ESPAGNE), 2013-02-08Moscow (RUSSIE), 2014-03-21
Padoue (ITALIE), 2013-02-15Athènes (GRECE), 2014-04-25
Györ (HONGRIE), 2017-12-01Alger (ALGERIE), 2017-11-03
Madrid (ESPAGNE), 2018-05-18Luxembourg (LUXEMBOURG), 2020-03-06
World Championship1-12
Budapest (HONGRIE), 2013-08-05Paris (FRANCE), 2010-11-04
Zone Championships21-3
Plovdiv (BULGARIE), 2009-07-13Strasbourg (FRANCE), 2014-06-07
Düsseldorf (ALLEMAGNE), 2019-06-19
Grand Prix-112
Varsovie (POLOGNE), 2012-06-02Téhéran (IRAN), 2006-07-14

Sport Specific Information

When and where did you begin this sport? He began fencing at age 11 in Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.

Why this sport? His mother encouraged him to take up the sport.

Club / Team Novosibirsk Regional Fencing Sports School of Olympic Reserve: Russia

Name of coach Boris Pisetsky [personal], RUS, from 2012; Nikolay Suroyegin [personal], RUS

Handedness Left

General Interest

Nicknames Venya (rsport.ru, 08 Aug 2013)

Hobbies Listening to music, alpine skiing, sports. (vedomostinso.rf, 06 Sep 2021; Athlete, 16 Jun 2019)

Memorable sporting achievement Winning gold in individual sabre at the 2013 World Championships in Budapest, Hungary. (Athlete, 16 Jun 2019)

Most influential person in career His mother. (Athlete, 17 Mar 2016)

Hero / Idol Russian Greco-Roman wrestler and politician Alexander Karelin. (Athlete, 17 Mar 2016)

Injuries He fell ill with tonsillitis ahead of the 2013 World University Games in Kazan, Russian Federation, and could not train properly for the competition. (nsk.kp.ru, 08 Jul 2013)

He sprained his arm during the 2013 World Cup event in Chicago, IL, United States of America, and had to miss his next two scheduled competitions. (championat.com, 08 Aug 2013)

Awards and honours In 2020 he received the Fair Play award from the Russian Olympic Committee. (Instagram profile, 14 Dec 2020)

He was named the 2013 Male Sabre Fencer of the Year by the International Fencing Federation [FIE]. (ruvr.ru, 25 Nov 2013)

In October 2013 he took part in the torch relay in Moscow as it made its way through the Russian Federation ahead of the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi. (nsktv.ru, 17 Oct 2013)

He has received the title of Honoured Master of Sport in the Russian Federation. (rusfencing.ru, 24 Jan 2021)


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